Wait a moment.
Just one.
Or maybe two.
Give your response a little more thought.
Pause and be sure you know the facts instead of assuming.
Think carefully before allowing emotions to determine your actions.
Guard your words.
Don't waste time worrying about hateful people.
Choose your battles graciously, in marriage, family and friendship.
Maintain your composure in the face of adversity.
Don't rush to decide.
Forgive as you would like to be forgiven.
Step back from the growing trend of internet drama.
Gently decline unwholesome associations.
Be one who encourages peace.
Remain silent when needed.
Let it go.
Smile first.
Hug often.
Seek to develop a spirit like Jesus.
No, it's not really a poem, or a sermon either. Just a few thoughts from my devotions this morning. Sometimes I need to take a deep breath and count to about 50,000 while God clears the cobwebs out of my head so I can see things as they really are. Perspective...